Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Hello fellow MN authors!

Today was an exciting day... I connected with some fellow local authors.  Yay!  As a self-published author, networking is a long, ongoing process.  Getting the buzz out about your book is difficult.  I'm my own marketing crew, and I'm not that connected!  I'm not sure how I've sold as many ebooks as I have, probably just blind luck and random searches, but I'm so grateful!

Making a connection to a local author's group was so exciting!  I look forward to engaging in the author community and talking with others out there who have similar struggles and concerns.  How did they get published?  How do they balance their work-life-author schedule (or are they solely authors?)?

I look forward to more adventures in MN authorhood.  In the meantime, I've started this blog to start more conversations and spark more ideas.  Maybe it'll just be me, myself, and I viewing and commenting.  However, as an author, you always want to keep the words flowing.  So here goes nothing...

In the meantime, check me out on

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